Available Services
Obtaining permission for a project is fraught with difficulties, which is why you need a professional on your side. Here at Urban Property Pad we will guide you through the planning process, particularly in areas of difficulty such as Conservation area consent, listed buildings consent and dealing with a rejected application if that position arises. We offer support and advice on all matters relating to applications, development and environmental issues for building and renovation projects.
Site Appraisal and Pre-Acquisition Advice
We appraise the planning merits of a site ahead of the prospective purchase. This is a key part of the development process as it gives our clients a steer on the likelihood of securing planning consent and the most appropriate route for the promotion of the site.
Pre Application Advice
We advise on the likely key matters that will need to be considered through any planning application. We also coordinate the preapplication process with Local Planning Authorities managing through to determination. In some cases permission is not required, for example permitted development extensions and some changes of use. We will then apply for a Certificate of Lawfulness which will allow the local authority to confirm this is the case.
Planning Appeals
We have a proven track record of success at planning Appeal. Our experience and thorough approach to the preparation of evidence, combined with a well structured and clearly argued statements of case maximises our chances of success. Our team have experience of giving evidence at both Minor and Major Projects.
We offer a range of design services and can prepare:
Initial concept and feasibility plans;
Site layouts and master plans;
Promotional documents;
Development Briefs; and
Design and Access Statements.
Development Plans
We coordinate the promotion of land through the Development Plan process on behalf of our clients from Plan inception through to Hearing Sessions and Adoption.
Preparation & Management of Planning Applications
We advise on the key aspects of the planning application process, we establish whether permission is needed and what technical evidence is required to support the application.
listed building consent, conservation area consent
co-ordinating development teams
appointing and brief specialist technical consultants including Ecology, geotechnical, topographical, Landscape architecture etc ready for submission with the application
Manage applications through to determination.
Once planning permission is granted we also provide a service of managing the formal discharge of planning conditions imposed until discharge is secured.
Negotiate financial contributions sought through S106 legal agreements on behalf of our clients
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
We coordinate and manage Environmental Statements (ES) from initial Screening and Scoping to ensuring compliance with legislation and case law. As part of the EIA process we work closely with Local Authorities and statutory consultees. We are also able to advise on experienced and dependable technical consultants to undertake various elements of the EIA process.
We advise in respect of potential enforcement action by Local Planning Authorities. Thorough and pragmatic advice, ensuring that a clear strategy is developed to deal with any enforcement issues.
Other Services
As well as our Town Planning Services we are able to organise services beyond our immediate expertise, bringing clients the benefit of a single point of contact throughout. Whether as part of our planning and permissions process, or as a standalone service:
Topographical Surveys
Flood Risk Assessment, Surface Water Drainage and Civil Engineering services. Including full SAB application
Geotechnical and Site Investigation Surveys
Structural Engineering
CCTV Drain Survey
Project Estimating, including Full Take Off and Bill Production for D&B and Drawing and Specifications
Acoustic Surveys including BS4142 and BS8233, most often requested by your local authority to discharge planning conditions where noise is a concern.